A Forklift Dump Hopper Can Bring Efficiency and Safety to Your Operation
Although your workers can move hoppers outfitted with casters from one location to another, using a forklift and forklift dumpster will make your operation more efficient and versatile. You can also minimize the potential for workers injuring themselves while they move heavily loaded dump hoppers or hazardous materials.
Many of the hopper dumpster models made by Roura Material Handling have been designed with forklift slots in their bases so that they can be easily and safely moved regardless of their size and weight.
How Do Forklift Dumping Hoppers Work?
A forklift dumping hopper, sometimes called a forklift dumpster, is a large waste receptacle that is designed to be carried and dumped by a forklift, and is safer and quicker to use than a traditional hopper.
The self-dumping forklift hopper has openings for the forks, and the operator doesn’t even have to get out of the forklift. All the operator has to do is slide the forks in, lift up the hopper, and carry it over to the dumpster. The forklift hopper is placed on the upper lip of the dumpster. From there, the forklift operator activates an ingenious mechanism that dumps the contents of the hopper into the dumpster.
What Applications Are Forklift Dumping Hoppers Used For?
Forklift dumping hoppers are used for a wide variety of applications. The most common applications for these hoppers include construction, manufacturing, and waste management. Additional applications include:
- Wood Shops & Machine Shops
- Lumberyards
- Food Processing Facilities
- Manufacturing and milling operations
- Trash disposal and recycling
- Heavy-duty material handling such as pipes, extruded products and lumber
- Outdoor construction material clean-up
- Wet material handling, such as water and sewage treatment applications
- Safe handling of high-temperature materials such as forgings or hot glass
Contact us today and discover how your operational needs can be better accommodated by one of our high-performance self dumping hopper models.
Self-Dumping Forklift Hopper Features & Specifications
Roura Material Handling’s self-dumping forklift hoppers come in a variety of sizes, and are perfect for any application. Our range of hoppers can handle payloads anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 pounds. We can also build custom forklift dump hoppers by request. In addition to our standard open hoppers, we also offer dumpsters with plastic lids.
Our self-dumping hoppers have several features that set them apart from the competition.
- We designed our dumpsters to include extruded trunnions with taper pins. This ensures that they track straight and are resistant to wear.
- All of our forklift hoppers are completely continuous welded, which increases the strength of the welds.
- Our self-dumping forklift hoppers even offer a support channel for additional reinforcement and a cleverly designed top construction that improves strength and durability.

Learn How Our Hoppers’ Many Features Can Benefit Your Material Handling Operations
We have a wide range of sizes, specialty features and options that can meet any material handling requirements. Looking for a forklift dumpster, trash hopper for forklift or forklift hopper? Tell us about your specific application and one of our sales team or engineering group members will show you the best way you can improve your operation while also providing greater safety for your workers.
How a Self-Dumping Forklift Saves Time & Prevents Injuries
A self-dumping hopper will automatically settle back into a secure and locked position after its contents have been unloaded. This does more than streamline your material handling operation, it also helps to prevent worker injuries. When you add a forklift to the operation, you’ll have less concerns over your workers moving heavily loaded hoppers on their own.
Self-dumping forklift hoppers come in four standard model families that provide load capacities ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 pounds. We also offer three release system options that add a greater degree of safety to your material handling operation.
Manually dumping large quantities of waste can take hours. Additionally, employees can sustain injuries from sharp glass or metal. If the waste is toxic, the employees that handle the waste could get sick.
If you use a self-dumping hopper, your employees will not have to manually dump the waste; all they have to do is simply pick the hopper up with a forklift and discard the waste into the dumpster.
We understand that many material handling operations have unique and highly specialized needs. That’s why our engineering team is ready to either custom design your forklift dump hopper or modify an existing model if your individual requirements demand it.
Release System Options for Increased Safety
Our hoppers offer three different release systems. Our professional materials handling team can help you select the system that best meets your needs. Our release system options include:
- Mechanical Hopper Release (MHR) System: This new and innovative Roura-designed system enables your material handlers to dump the contents of a hopper without leaving their forklift seat. This is an ideal way to equip your operation with a safe and effective method of dealing with large and heavy amounts of bulk material and waste.
- Pull-Down Handle System: The operator can stand on the ground at a safe distance while dumping the contents of a hopper from an elevated height. A ruggedly built cable system initiates the release and remains safely stored on the hopper back wall when filled.
- Auto-Latch Handle: An automatically secure handle feature fully engages the hopper to its base until it’s tilted to dump its contents. Our exclusive design minimizes the number of parts and reduces the number of potential pinch points.
Safety Features of the Roura MHR System
Roura Material Handling’s MHR system offers several unique safety features. Our system allows the operator to dump the hopper without even having to leave the forklift. This protects the operator from toxic dust or splashing liquids when the hopper is dumped.
The operator also does not have to stand close to the forklift dumpster to use the MHR system. This eliminates the risk of objects failing from an overloaded dumpster and causing injury. Additionally, there is no chance of the operator injuring themselves when getting into or out of the forklift.
Finding the Right Forklift Dump Hopper
It’s important to get a dumpster that fits your forklift perfectly, as this will make operation much easier. When choosing your hopper, be sure to measure your equipment’s forks. You may also want to order additional safety release systems for your hopper. Our customer service reps can help you find a forklift self-dumping hopper that best meets your needs.
Click here to browse our full line of forklift dump hoppers, or call us today to request a quote.